Barb Gonzalez is a former freelance contributor to Lifewire and the Simple Tech Guru, an advocate for simple, understandable technology.
Updated on November 12, 2020 Reviewed byLisa Mildon is a Lifewire writer and an IT professional with 30 years of experience. Her writing has appeared in Geekisphere and other publications.
In This Article In This ArticleThere's a minimum recommended internet speed to stream video from websites and services, such as Netflix, Hulu, Fandango at Home, and Amazon Prime Video. If your internet connection has difficulties loading a movie, and if this happens every minute or two, the connection may not be fast enough to stream movies
To have smooth standard definition video, a connection that is more than 2 Mb/s is recommended. For HD, 3D, or 4K, that speed is much higher. It's also different depending on the service that streams the videos.
These are the recommended internet connection speeds to stream movies and TV shows on Netflix:
Netflix automatically adjusts the video quality to match your internet speed. If Netflix detects a slow internet speed, it will not stream high definition quality video, even if the movie or TV show is available in HD. This limits interruptions and buffering of the video but the picture quality suffers.
These are the recommended internet connection speeds to stream movies on Fandango at Home:
These are the recommended internet connection speeds to stream video content on Hulu:
These are the recommended internet connection speeds to stream movies and TV shows on Amazon Video:
These are the recommended internet connection speeds to stream videos on YouTube:
While there are many rural communities that reach about 2 Mb/s, larger cities, suburbs, and urban areas have access to much higher speeds. It is not limited to broadband and cable internet. In some cases, internet speeds nearing 100 Mb/s from a DSL internet connection may be available.
Some providers offer very fast DSL speeds through fiber optics, while some cable providers offer 30 Mb/s or higher. Google Fiber serves 1 Gb/s (one gigabit per second) speeds. These ultra-high speed connections can handle any video available, and much more. Other gigabit services include Cox Gigablast, AT&T Fiber, and Xfinity.
Quickly check your internet speed using one of the internet speed test websites. However, these tests might not be accurate if there are other factors contributing to a slow network.
Netflix has a speed test at that tests the speed of your network with Netflix. This is the best test to take if you're planning to subscribe to Netflix because it tells how well you can download content from their servers.
While your internet speed caps out at what you're paying for, other things affect that speed such as the devices you're using.
If you have trouble with buffering and videos neglecting to fully load and boosting the Wi-Fi signal or connecting through Ethernet doesn't solve the problem, stop using the other devices. You may be putting to much demand on your home network. If you have video streaming issues, don't download files on your laptop and be on Facebook on your phone while streaming videos from your Xbox.
To avoid problems with low quality, slow loading, and buffering, and to meet the speed requirements of the services you want access to, choose the fastest internet speed available in your area that you can afford.
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