Dietes grandiflora

fairy iris somewhat iris-like, to 10cm across, with broad white "falls" with a stripe of rich yellow near the base, and erect violet-blue "standards". Blooms may last several days, and may be produced in flushes, every few weeks, throughout summer

Dietes grandiflora 'Reen Lelie'

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© Janet Cubey © Janet Cubey © Janet Cubey
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Ultimate height
1–1.5 metres
Time to ultimate height
Ultimate spread
0.1–0.5 metres
Growing conditions
Moist but well–drained
Acid, Alkaline, Neutral
Colour & scent
Spring Green
Summer Purple White Yellow Green
Autumn Green
Winter Green
Partial shade

South–facing or East–facing or West–facing

Hardiness ratings

All ratings refer to the UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. Minimum temperature ranges (in degrees C) are shown in brackets

Botanical details
Family Iridaceae Native to the UK No Foliage Evergreen Habit Columnar upright Genus

Dietes are rhizomatous evergreen perennials forming loose clumps of leathery, linear or sword-shaped leaves, with erect stems bearing a succession of short-lived, iris-like flowers with 3 large outer segments and 3 small inner ones, in spring and summer

Plant range South Africa

How to grow


Under glass, grow in loam-based potting compost (JI No2) in full light with good ventilation. Apply a balanced liquid fertiliser monthly. Reduce water after flowering; keep barely moist when dormant. Outdoors, grow in moist but well-drained soil in full sun or part shade. Tolerant of poor, dry soils


Propagate by seed at 13-15°C (55-59°F) in autumn or spring. Alternatively, propagate by division of rhizomes after flowering. Plants may be difficult to establish

Suggested planting locations and garden types

No pruning required


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