Distinguished Commissioner Service Award

In order to be considered for the Distinguished Commissioner Service Award, a candidate recipient shall:

  1. Be currently registered as a commissioner or have served as a commissioner within the last five years. When nominating a former commissioner, the nomination must be based on the nominee’s performance while a registered commissioner.
  2. Possess the Commissioner Key (possession of the Commissioner Key automatically includes possession of the Arrowhead Honor).


  1. The Distinguished Commissioner Service Award nomination form will be available on the Awards and Recognition section of the Commissioners website. The nomination form will be similar to the District Award of Merit nomination form, and will contain the following:
    1. A record of the nominee’s tenure as a commissioner and as a Scouter in general,
    2. A listing of previous Scouting awards and recognitions received by the nominee.
    3. A statement by the nominator as to the nominee’s distinguished and exceptional service as a commissioner which qualifies the nominee to receive the Distinguished Commissioner Service Award, and
    4. The nominator’s signatory section on the nomination form will include the following statement:
      I confirm that the nominee lives by the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law in word and deed, and is exemplary in his/her personal, family, and professional activities"


    1. Certificate: A certificate specifically designed for the Distinguished Commissioner Service Award. The template for the certificate will be found in the Awards and Recognition Section of the Commissioners website.
    2. Recognition items:
      1. Plaque: item # 17610 (Silver)
      2. Bolo tie: item # 747 (Silver)
      3. Uniform Knot: #5019

      The Nomination Form can be downloaded, by Clicking here.

      Page updated on: December 07, 2016

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