Krispy Kreme offers free donuts to kids with good grades

UNDATED (WKRC) - It turns out, students performing well in school can claim a sweet reward they may not have even known about.

Krispy Kreme offers free donuts to kids with good grades at certain locations.

Students can claim one treat for every "A" on their report card, with a maximum of six.

The news spread recently after a TikTok by @jordan_the_stallion8 went viral.

In it, Jordan responds to a prompt asking users for information that feels illegal to know.

"Working at Krispy Kreme, I found out that we give free donuts to anybody who has 'A's on their report card," he says.

People reports that a representative from Krispy Kreme confirmed the offer is real.

Since not all locations participate, however, students are encouraged to check with their local store first.

And according to Jordan, there is even a secret loophole in the deal.

"We are not allowed to ask you if you currently go to the school or not. So, if you show us a report card of any kind with an 'A' on it, we have to give you a donut," he says in the TikTok. "Do with that information what you will."